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I am trying to update my inventory in Airtable whenever a product is updated or created in WooCommerce

Many of our products have variations with an individual SKU and their own quantities. I am trying to know how the steps should be configured in the scenario to get the information needed

3 answers, 0 articles
You have to create two scenenrio one for product created in woo commerce and onr for product updated in woo commerce. You can add these trigger using new event module of woo commerce and then seach if product exists in airtable if not then add the product in airtable if exists then just update product in airtable

is it possible to use an Array] in a single HTTP: Get a File module to get multiple files’ data?

Or do you have to do multiple HTTP: Get a File modules for each value in the array? What if the amount of values in my array vary? I have tried using Array[] in the HTTP module but it says it’s an invalid URL. Meanwhile, if I use Array[1] it actually does return data. Is there a way to get multiple files from a single HTTP module? Thanks!

2 answers, 0 articles
You can use a repeater that count the number of data into the array.
18 answers, 0 articles
You can call only one url at a time using single module. So basically if you want to download 10 files from 10 different url then you have to use 10 different module

Problem with an Airtable

I'm working with Airtable trying to do an Upsert...except it seems to be working in the reverse... When it finds the record, it updates it. When it doesn't find the record...it doesn't update it. I'm confused...I thought an upsert was to update it if it is found, and when it is not found, it is to create it... Am I missing something?

22 answers, 0 articles
I found the same thing this week. Ended up doing a search step and then a router with filters to a create or update. Upsert would update if I provided a record of but if I passed nothing then it did not create just have an error that record id was null

Downloading PDF from Google Docs to Airtable

Have a scenario where, Airtable watches for updates, integromat then creates a google doc from the update, downloads the document, and creates a new record in a different table on Airtable, attaching the document. Problem is what it is attaching is not the document, it is a webpage requiring sign in to access the document, which doesn't work on airtable, I have to download the HTML file, sign in, and the document gets downloaded into "Downloads" folder on my PC. I have other automations that rely on this document to be in pdf format on Airtable, so going though that process isn't viable. Is there anyway to actually upload the pdf file directly into the field?

6 answers, 0 articles
Could you use the google drive module instead? There are 2 fields to retrieve the file, either as a download or as a preview
6 answers, 0 articles
Don't download the file. The Airtable module needs a url as the input of the attachment field. I think the output of the 1st Google doc module includes the pdf url. Try to feed that to airtable.

Is this possible with Google sheets modules?

To search raw and than if it finds data that matches exact conditions to stop there, and if it finds no matches to proceed to another action (add row). I want to avoid creating duplicate entries in another sheet. How would I set this up with filters?

17 answers, 0 articles
Yes you can add a filter after the search module and if it not find anything (no bundle) go ahead to the add module. With this filter, if the number of bundles are more than zero, it will not continue

I need an efficient integromat way to compose a conditional string

I cant wrap my head around a simple solution for this: Say i have three variables (egg, ham, sausage) in an array, each can be true or false. In the end i need a string that says (egg, ham) if egg and ham are true and sausage is false etc. the strings neef to be separated by , but not trailing (ie not „egg,“ or „,ham“) Essentially i need an efficient integromat way to compose a conditional string…

13 answers, 1 articles
Do you always have the exact same set of (egg, ham, sausage) variables? If yes, then a simple if({{egg}} ; egg,)+if({{ham}} ; ham,)+if({{sausage}} ; sausage,) should work, and then you can remove the trailing comma with a substring({{string}} ; length({{string}}) - 1) It is not very elegant but it should work and not cost you unnecessary operations
10 answers, 1 articles
Thinking of iteration + filter + text aggregator...but I'm not sure how to get the variable name (I don't have a PC with me right now)

403 status code with a 1009 error code

I'm trying to using http basic auth to get some data. I'm getting a 403 status code with a 1009 error code. When I run the same script on an API tester, it's fine. Any thoughts on what to do here?

4 answers, 0 articles
403 is Forbidden, i am guessing it has to do with the request you are sending

Im using a text parser to match a pattern in a string so I can return that match later on in my scenario

The expected value is a name, but it can be 10.000 different options of names, they all have an alias which is the value that I want it to replace, the aliases are stored in a database... Since nesting 10.000 replace functions is not an option I think. Can I use a lookup table kind of functionality for this or does anybody have an idea how to approach this wanted result?

6 answers, 0 articles
Just search the value that your text parser outputs in your database to find the entry and return the alias you want to use.

Is it possible to execute a scenario only after finishing a specific one?

Hi! Is it possible to execute a scenario only after finishing a specific one? Thanks

15 answers, 1 articles
This has been a requested feature for a while, along with subscenarios. You can upvote it on the feature requests to show them the interest. Until they implement it though, webhooks are the way.
8 answers, 0 articles
Webhooks are the answer
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I'd like Integromat to check to see if a new sheet (tab) has been added to a Google Sheet workbook

If the tab does not exist, create a new row in a specific sheet within that same workbook. So far I've created a table in that specific sheet that lists the sheet IDs that already exist (when I built my scenario). However, I'm not sure how to get Integromat to check for new sheets and then add it to the specific sheet. I appreciate your insight!

2 answers, 0 articles
You can count sheets after listing and then store this number on datastore and schedule scenario to count daily

How realistic is getting a suggested update to an integration/module followed through with?

I see the only way to reach out to Integromat for this matter is via the request boards rather than personal contact. With that being said, for niche requests, it seems that there isn't much hope in getting these worked on. We want to switch over to Integromat but because a specific app is lacking a very simple module it hinders using Integromat entirely. We love how in depth Integromat is + their pricing structure compared to other alternatives. For more context: There is no current way with the Printavo integration to watch for when an order is updated, not just created. Zapier for example has this capability built in with their Printavo integration and it seems like a simple addition within Integromat. I made a feature request and it seems like at least one other person feels the exact same way as me but I imagine that because Printavo is not as popular as other apps, this request will go stagnant.

4 answers, 0 articles
With a little work, you could build the module on your end. Could also be as simple as an api call on a timer if printavo has api docs
5 answers, 0 articles
I would say with something like this provided it can work the way integromat works (seems it prefers webhooks) then chances are fairly high. I have also submitted this feedback directly to support. I have gotten issues fixed actually with fairly quick response time. I would mention zapier has it to maybe motivate them. They do imminent changes tho and can be very responsive

Would I need to switch to Integromat 2.0?

it is taking 30 minutes to complete an execution(with 476 operations) , can you guys recommend me the better option for doing it faster?

4 answers, 0 articles
Not helpful, but is Integromat 2.0 out? I haven't seen any alert or update about that anywhere?
4 answers, 0 articles
Can you share the scenario and we can perhaps give some better feedback. I’m not sure that 2.0 will speed things up to much for a single run, but rather simultaneous runs. I’ve ran some 5-10k operation scenarios, 30+ minutes and they complete fine
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If a scenario is NOT scheduled, will it trigger?

In Zapier, it triggers on events, like a new item is created. Will the Scenarios do that in Integromat too, depending on the trigger?

5 answers, 0 articles
Unless a trigger for an app has “Instant” next to it, it will be a “scheduled” or polling trigger. So you either have to schedule the trigger (every X minutes or at a certain day/time) or it will be an instant trigger, so no scheduling needed

Better quality at google Cloud Text to Speech

I am using Google Cloud Text to Speech modules in Integromat for my Adalo app. I want to have better audio quality, so I've already switched to WaveNet and increased the Sample Rate to 48000 Hertz, but it still has pretty bad quality. What can I do? Every idea is much appreciated, thanks in advance!

6 answers, 0 articles
You probably need to specify the effectsProfileId, as per the documentation at https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/audio-profiles The quality of the speech waxes and wanes according to what sort of device you say you're playing the resulting audio through
7 answers, 0 articles
Convert your data to the recommended encoding mentioned by Google . Us e the same format as mentioned in Google docs like Flac format. That will give a proper accuracy. Use stereo recording ,separate Chanel's for speakers

Will Vue follow component or dom hierarchy for keyboard event bindings?

I've seen that Vue3 has support for 'portals' via the Teleport component, which can render the dom of a component into a different place in the document then the component was specified. Reading the docs gives the impression that all events, properties etc will follow the Vue component order, but that seems to be in conflict with Javascripts native bubbling of events. Will keyboard bindings follow Vue component parents, the actual DOM, or somehow both?

5 answers, 0 articles
DOM events are always DOM events, so they always propagate along the DOM tree, vue cannot change that. The teleport documentation says that: “If teleport contains a Vue component, it will remain a logical child component of the teleport’s parent” So the special handling only happens when you are teleporting a vue component. The props passing and event emitting hence refer only to components

Always Enable Tooltip : Chart JS : V3 : Bubble Chart : react-chartjs-2

I am trying to always enable all the tooltips for Bubble chart using react-charjs-2 plugin I tried various approaches but none of them work with the latest version of the plugin Would appreciate some advice, Thank you! :) I tried the all possible approaches, including the following ones, but was unable to achieve the results

5 answers, 0 articles
By default it is not possible to show all the tooltips at once, if you really want it you will need to use the external (html) tooltip. The easyer way is to use the datalabels plugin: https://chartjs-plugin-datalabels.netlify.app/samples/charts/bubble.html

Alignment lines in CameraX

I noticed a new feature on my Vanilla Android's (Pixel 5, Android 11) default camera app recently. There are these 2 lines (one yellow and one white) that help me line up my phone in 3d space. They remind me a bit of those levels with the bubble inside it. Does CameraX support that natively yet? I want to incorporate it into a custom camera app. If CameraX does not support it natively is there an SDK around that will do the trick? I am having trouble finding much documentation for it or even what those lines are called. This is for a customer request so the requirements are specific

7 answers, 0 articles
You can do this without camera. Simply get the accelerometer readings and draw the lines based on the x/y/z value. See: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/sensors/sensors_motion

does the capturing and bubbling phases reaches the event.target node?

According to MDN modern browsers run two different phases when an event is fired: The capture phase (evt.target included) The bubbling phase (evt.target included) According to WHATWG event.stopPropagation() prevents event from reaching any objects other than the current object. According to MDN event.stopPropagation() prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases. So i would like to know whether or not is correct to say that the capturing and bubbling phases reaches the event.target node

7 answers, 0 articles
No, the capturing and bubbling phases does not reaches the event.target node. modern browsers run three different phases, the capturing phase, the target phase, and the bubbling phase. https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-event-eventphase https://github.com/mdn/content/issues/6657

How to send SMS to multiple phone numbers all at once using Twilio?

Anyone who knows how to send SMS to multiple phone numbers all at once using Twilio?


How to create credentials for Twilio that I can use on "calls Appp" to make calls?

Can anyone advise me on how to create credentials for Twilio that I can use on "calls Appp" to make calls (Or video link or $$ if it's complex)? - Authentication User/Password, SIP, Transport, etc

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23 answers, 1 articles