

Tribe Overview

What is Tribe?

Customizable online community platform to connect, engage, and retain users.

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Top 10 Tribe Alternatives & competitors

Looking for alternatives to Tribe?

We recommend to look at similar tools to find a solution. While doing this you should study the similarities and differences in cost, general features, certain tool capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and customer support. Certainly, visual presentation also can influence your mind.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very similar in price and functionality to Tribe. The list is based on popularity reviews, so if Tribe doesn’t suit you in any way, here you can easily select the best variant for you. Check out real reviews to see how Tribe compares to other similar tools and find the best solution for your organization.



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With a limit of 1,000 contacts and 1,000 emails/month, Enagebay CRM suggests its users the cheapest paid plans of the 3 providers. The basic plan will cost you $12 a month per user, and it includes 10,000 contacts and the same amount of emails.



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Freshdesk is a cloud-based customer support software and helpdesk solution. It is a platform with a comprehensive set of tools and features to help businesses support all the needs of their customers. Companies around the world use it to deliver exceptional customer service and experience.



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Capture, organize, and analyze user feedback in one place to inform your product decisions. Prioritize feedback, build a roadmap, and close the communication loop with a built-in changelog.

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM

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Zoho CRM is the name of an on-demand, SaaS-based customer relationship management (CRM) software solution designed to manage sales, marketing, contacts, customer support and other business functions.



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Building artificial intelligent chatbots for the everyday online retailer. Acobot is one of the leading artificial intelligence chatbot providers for e-commerce and online retailers. Powered by advanced machine learning technology, Acobot learns from your website and engages with users autonomously. No coding needed, Acobot is supported by leading e-commerce builders such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and others. see less



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SurveySparrow lets you turn surveys into conversations. With a conversational interface, SurveySparrow enables users to create and share highly engaging, mobile-first surveys that offer a chat-like experience. SurveySparrow Recurring Surveys let you send surveys at regular intervals to gauge customer or employee pulse. With easy sharing options, SurveySparrow allows you to share your surveys across Web, Mobile, Social, and E-mail to easily collect feedback from your targeted audience.

Try for Free CRM Platform is a highly visual and user-friendly CRM software designed to help businesses to manage everything in one place. A platform is a powerful tool for any business of any size due to its ability to handle sales pipelines, customer on boarding, client’s projects, marketing, and other needs of your company.



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Offer your customers the best customer service experience through the channels of website chat and mobile messaging. With Userlike you can chat with your customers via your website, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram and SMS. Connect your chatbot and automate parts of your customer interactions. Born and hosted in Germany. Userlike keeps your and your customers' data safe with a 100% GDPR-compliant communication solution.



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Pipedrive is a Flexible, highly focused on driving the sales, and easy-to-use CRM software built by salespeople and marketing professionals with a single goal – to simplify your sales process and assist salespeople in clinching the deals. Using Pipedrive CRM you can focus on the right people at the right time and convert those people into deals.



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Infobip is a global leader in omnichannel engagement powering a broad range of messaging channels, tools and solutions for advanced customer engagement, authentication and security. We help our clients and partners overcome the complexity of consumer communications, grow their business and enhance customer experience – all in a fast, secure and reliable way.

This top you an ability to compare all the best alternatives to Tribe and make an informed decision. As the right software combo that meets your company requirements ensure that your business processes will reach the maximum result and increase income along with saving time and labor. Choose a appropriate program stack and Apiway integrations will help you to make it all work together for the benefit of your company.

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