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An E-commerce Platform is a dedicated application that helps entrepreneurs quickly deploy an online store. Advantages of using the platform include: creating goods, accepting payments, generating current statistics. In fact, an E-commerce Platform is a fast infrastructure for implementing fast sales on the Internet. The main aim of an E-commerce Platform is to help businesses organize their online store. With this software you can: get a ready-made online store engine, upload a ready-made template, connect them to your website and have your own online store up and running. The only thing left before you can start making sales is to add products to your store.
Before starting an online store you should understand what goods you want to promote. If you have a 1-5 products you can use simple website builder, create a landing page, upload products images, descriptions and launch ads campaign. If your product will selling good you can move on and expect a range. If you immediately want to sell a category of product like a clothes or goods for cars you will have dozens products in your range. In this case it will be better to choose a specific ecommerce platform.
In E-commerce Software there is some feature that allows you to create pages on your website. It is very similar with website builders.
When you have created a lot of product you can organize them into one category. For user it will be more easier to find a product.
In good E-commerce Platform you can manage everything. What product are best seller, what product do you have on your wirehouse or what product your should order on your provider. You can mange a good with helps of specific model numbers.
It is very simplify your business processes.
On your admin panel you can customize sales dashboard. You should understand what product is best seller, what product do you have on wirehouse and what product ends.
When customer make a purchase he get an email with all order details. It is a basic feature. For more complect work you should use specific.
This are some feature that can help you with get more free traffic from Google search. It is allows you to optimize pages for seo, adds some tags, keywords and other seo tricks. Google will better "see" your website and you have a better chance to get top-3 positions in search.
You can create a template with images, descriptions and payment bottom. In feature you can just a change a text and offer. Surely you have seen this kind of pages in other online stores where the structure of the page are similar. Only offer and products are changing.
It like a real "basket" in offline shop. User walking on your website and add some goods on it. After that they can purchase all products for one payment. This feature is very good for upsells. It is something like "With this product people buy this…"
Add tag on you posts and after click user will move to your website.
E-commerce Platforms have ready template that allows you to launch online shop for 30 minutes. You just upload images, descriptions and customize payment bottom.
On product card you can find a payment bottom in which you can integrate payment gateway. Customer can purchase and arrange delivery. It is allows you to accept payments on your website and automate delivery process.
You can launch Facebook carousel ads and customize dynamic retargeting.
Website builders have functions that helps you to create beautiful pages. Online store has a lot of other processes which require different features. For example order managing and product category. If you have a several products you should use website builder. If you have more than 20 products you should use online store platforms.
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