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Is it possible to add 2 different users with the same email address, who have different additional fields?

For example, I carry out gas safety inspections for landlords, and I want to add the landlords (customers) with several site addresses linked to the same email address, so that renewal emails go out related to their different site addresses


Does anyone know what information about guests you can pull in to mailchimp with the opentable integration for restaurants?

I'm thinking... last visit... regular visitors etc? Is all this available on the free Mailchimp option? Thanks in advance!

7 answers, 0 articles
I don’t think Mailchimp stores customer history. You’d need another system for that. Mailchimp contact info can only be replaced, not added to

Hi. I am creating an e-mail where I want the recipient to press a button

I then want to know who pressed the button. Preferably that they get a tag. Is this possible? Or how had you done?

8 answers, 1 articles
You can set up an automation to tag anyone who clicks a particular link in an email. You need to put a link behind the button though. I just have a thank you page I use as a destination

Is there a way to see your cumulative audience number?

Help please

6 answers, 0 articles
Yep. Right on the app. Click audience and it will show you the stats

Can someone tell me, is there a way to set up automations for all of my audiences?


7 answers, 0 articles
You can only connect to one audience... this is why the focus is always "mo audiences, mo problems"...
6 answers, 0 articles
Unfortunately not. This is one of the drawbacks of having multiple audiences

I met a problem with my first automation

I made so a tag been added if someone clicked a special link in the mail. I named the link to “Apply to the webinar”. But I got many users tagged immediately and wondered why. I think many of the tagged has theirs mailclient scan their mail when arrived. Could that been happened? And how can I do to use the auto-tag function in Mailchimp without been worried that this will happened again?

6 answers, 0 articles
Yes, def could have happened, especially if you sent to multiple contacts at the same domain. Not really anything you can do to prevent it, MC doesn’t have a way to distinguish a human click from a programmatic scan or click

Woocommerece Not Showing in Action


73 answers, 10 articles
Hi. For Woocommerce you can use only trigger (webhook) We don't have Actions yet. but we are working on it. Maybe in the next year, we will add some actions to Woocommerce integration

Does anyone know if there is a way to set up your Shopify store to accept ACH as a form of payment?

Similar to how banks allow you to put in your routing and checking number to pay your bills... thanks!


HI, has anyone been in this situation?

I have a store that sells different digital products, I must link personalized link of dropbox to the order confirmation email on shopify (that's because we sell heavy digital products and all the shopify apps that are able to do that don't have a storage of 100+ GB). If you know how do that, please drop some tips in the comments


How drop shipping works?

How much does it cost to start with 2/3 products? Can anyone explain the full process?


Anyone has any regret switching to Shopify from Woocommerce?

Firstly, we know woocommerce fairly well (2 woocommerce stores for 3 years). The reason we went for it was that I was sick of selling on 3rd party (we are also Amazon seller and our stores were closed by Etsy for the tiniest issue). But our woocommerce stores constantly broke, fixing myself, or dealing with freelancers is painful. And I also dread setting up couple of other things, i.e. fixing/ and relink IG to woocommerce


is there seriously NO way to import the Cost per Item into the store?

Editing each CPI individually, and typing all that info out in general will take me ages. I don’t understand how that’s not an automatic thing with Printful integration


Can I ask how to edit text spacing in a paragraph

This is only for "about us" page. Thanks!


How to capture payments of clients who don't have paypal account?

I am fa ing a small problem regarding payment capturing. I am only having paypal checkout. How to capture payments of customers using credit or debit card? Regards

7 answers, 0 articles
You can also add COD ..If it is possible. Add 2 checkout

Templates for legal policies

Hi guys! Can you please recommend me the templates for legal policies(shipping,user agreement, legal notice)

7 answers, 0 articles
There's a Shopify tool for it, search on google Add your crecidentials and they'll give you all the policy pages regarding your store All the best and happy selling

What's the best way to notify customers of multiple tracking numbers?

Let's say it's a hybrid store consists of both dropshipping and self-fulfilling products, which naturally generates at least 2 tracking numbers shipping from different locations

6 answers, 0 articles
Here's a solution for it: You can indeed add more than one tracking code to an order. If you go to your order, then select "Start Fulfilling". After that, you can change the quantity of the item you want to add a tracking number to 1, then the other two items to 0. You can then click Fulfil Items once the tracking information has been added *SOME TIPS FROM EXPERIENCE* Its never recommend to do Dropshipping and selling self owned products on a single store, I suggest don't do it because it'll ruin your reputation and more importantly it'll ruin your Facebook feedback score too. If you've any question feel free to ask, I'll be happy to help All the best and happy selling

I am looking for an app or software to manage and filter reviews in Shopify

I've used reputation management software that lets me pull reviews by keywords, products and etc. But haven't found anything like this for Shopify. Any recommendations?

7 answers, 0 articles
5 answers, 0 articles
If you buy your product from aliexpress then you can use AI review app
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