UKG Ready


UKG Ready Overview

What is UKG Ready?

Employee scheduling solution that helps organizations manage shifts, payroll, leaves, overtime calculations and more.

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Top 10 UKG Ready Alternatives & competitors

Considering alternatives to UKG Ready?

We recommend to look at similar tools to make a decision. While doing this you should study the similarities and differences in price, functionality, certain product capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and customer support. Of course, visual presentation also can change your mind.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very resembling in cost and functionality to UKG Ready. The list is based on similarity reviews, so if UKG Ready isn’t appropriate for you in any way, here you can easily select the best variant for you. Check out real reviews to find out how UKG Ready compares to other resembling apps and find the best app for your organization.



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We're on a mission to help people turn their curiosity into action. SurveyMonkey is the world’s leading survey platform enabling curious individuals and companies – including 98% of the Fortune 500 – to have conversations at scale with the people who matter most.



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Happyforce is a software platform that enables an honest and transparent communication between organizations and employees. Based on mobile apps technology, super easy interactions, employee anonymity, social network dynamics and transparent feedback, Happyforce is helping to build more open and stronger company cultures.



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Appreiz is about redefining talent management using social recognition.One of the products Appreiz crowdsources recognitions/accomplishments from peers, coworker, manager, customer,partner for a demonstrated competency and skill against a specific goal or project. With this rich data generated it creates HR Analytics and Organizational network analysis for talent management, internal recruitment, learning and development, promotability etc.



Try for Free is the best platform to rollout OKRs for your entire organization. Extremely easy to onboard and use, Profit comes with over 300 metrics and allows you to define your own custom metrics with ease. You can ensure complete alignment within your organization using Aligned OKRs that let you trickle down company level OKRs to every individual contributor.



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15Five is a leading people and performance platform that instantly upgrades each and every manager. Combining employee engagement, continuous performance management, and manager effectiveness software with education, services, and community, 15Five provides a holistic solution to create highly engaged and high-performing organizations.



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WorkTango enables companies to give their employees a voice and easily collect feedback for any purpose. Using data science and natural language understanding, actionable insights from employee feedback is served in real-time to HR, executives, and people leaders. The results are quicker insight and action, better people decisions, and a more aligned and engaged workforce.



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PeopleForce is an easy-to-use all-in-one HRM solution that covers HR automation, Recruitment, Employee Engagement, and Performance Management. We collected the best HRM practice in the market and blended them into an end-to-end platform.

Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback

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Zonka Feedback is a multi-channel feedback system and survey app with actionable insights, real-time reporting and collaborative inbox.



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MentorcliQ is a mentoring software solution that helps organizations launch, support, and grow high-impact employee mentoring programs. Our approach drives employee participation and satisfaction through an engaging user experience and supporting training resources. MentorcliQ system makes it easy to manage multiple mentoring and talent development programs from a single place.



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SalesScreen is a global sales platform that combines gamification with data visualization to keep modern sales teams motivated and engaged. Our platform integrates with existing CRM and makes work more collaborative through a range of peer-to-peer recognition and competitions. This in-team incentivization helps our clients drive stronger revenue and better delivery of KPIs.

This top you an ability to compare all the best alternatives to UKG Ready and make an informed decision. As the right software combination that meets your business needs ensure that your business processes will reach the maximum result and increase profit along with saving time and labor. Choose a suitable program stack and Apiway integrations will help you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your company.

All UKG Ready alternatives

Employee Engagement Software

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