PROFILE.GURU is the ultimate assistant when you want to know your people better. Contacts, organizational and contractual details, benefits and remuneration, development and education, performance management, asset management and many other aspects of your employees' profiles - PROFILE.GURU has it all.
Choosing alternatives to PROFILE.GURU?
We recommend to look at similar apps to make a decision. While doing this you should pay attention the similarities and differences in cost, functionality, specific software capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and client support. Certainly, design also can affect your choice.
We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very similar in price and functionality to PROFILE.GURU. The list is based on similarity reviews, so if PROFILE.GURU isn’t appropriate for you in any way, here you can easily choose the best solution for you. Check out real reviews to see how PROFILE.GURU compares to other resembling platforms and find the best app for your company.
Shippo lowers the barriers to shipping for businesses around the world. As free and fast shipping becomes the norm, better access to shipping is a competitive advantage for businesses.
With a limit of 1,000 contacts and 1,000 emails/month, Enagebay CRM suggests its users the cheapest paid plans of the 3 providers. The basic plan will cost you $12 a month per user, and it includes 10,000 contacts and the same amount of emails.
Benchmark Email is a web-based email marketing solution allowing to build email marketing campaigns, run surveys, and manage a regular newsletter using the service.
MaintainX is mobile-first work order and procedure digitization software that allows factory frontline teams to know what they need to do and how to do it.
Manage memberships & waivers, get booked 24/7, seamlessly process payments, send marketing emails & run reports.
PayPal is a service that enables you to pay, send money, and accept payments. Register your credit card or debit card with your PayPal account. You can pay by simply choosing PayPal at checkout, logging into your PayPal account, and confirming your payment. We complete the process for you. Simply choose PayPal when you select a payment option on this site, and you can quickly open a PayPal account and add your payment method to complete your purchase.
Employee scheduling solution that helps organizations manage shifts, payroll, leaves, overtime calculations and more.
FMX enables facilities managers to more efficiently and effectively track work orders, schedule resources, and plan maintenance. Our cloud-based software solution features a calendar view simple enough for anyone to use to submit, track, and manage their requests, events, and assets. Facilities owners and managers gain visibility into activities and costs, while building staff and tenants get updated status information on their facilities requests. — это сервис, который позволяет бесплатно интегрировать другие облачные сервисы между собой без программиста, в два клика. Сервис позволяет обычному маркетологу без знания программирования сделать интеграцию нескольких софтов в два клика при помощи drag and drop редактора. Например, гугл формы интегрировать с сервисом рассылок и гугл таблицами.
PartsPal is an end-to-end solution auto parts businesses need to sell online. Manage your inventory, fitment and e-commerce from one easy place.
This list gives you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to PROFILE.GURU and make an informed decision. As the right software combination that meets your business needs ensure that your business processes will reach the maximum result and increase revenue along with saving time and labor. Find a suitable program stack and Apiway integrations will allow you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your company.
Apiway allows you to integrate PROFILE.GURU with thousands of the most popular tools. You can automate your workflow and have more time for main things—no code required.
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