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Mother’s Day 2023 – An Inspiration to Scale Mom-owned Business on Etsy

Etsy Mother’s Day 2023 is the perfect day to take inspiration from mom entrepreneurs who have been perfectly Juggling motherhood and running a business. Etsy, one of a kind marketplace, provides an opportunity to consider “the women” (in all forms) out there to excel even in the business sphere, like; being more creative, selling online, building a brand, and being famous worldwide.

Mothers are living metaphors of love who believe in only giving and not expecting anything in return. So, this Mother’s Day, let us honor their contribution and provide them with a chance to bask in the glory of their achievements as a mother and a businesswoman.

Etsy The Epitome of Perfection for Mompreneurs

There are around 80% of female entrepreneurs selling on Etsy, out of which many are mothers. Women who have built their stores from scratch and kept believing in expanding with Etsy to sell and grow more aggressively worldwide. Women as mothers, grandmothers, or single mothers inspire all who believe they can do wonders.

A mother seems to be like a superwoman with invisible capes. Be it household, family, or work, she rules wherever she gets her hands. She knows how to make the most of any

We have compiled a list of some of the most wonderful women entrepreneurs on Etsy and their stories of how they made it into the world of eCommerce. You can skip to that part of the blog with the link above or can continue reading to understand the significance, top selling categories/products, and tips to ace sales on Etsy Mother’s Day.

Etsy Mother’s Day 2023: From the Perspective of a Seller

Etsy Mother’s Day is probably among the big occasions for sellers where the sales and traffic are better than usual. A huge demand for items that can serve as mothers’ gifts has been observed since a week before Mother’s Day. This can also be perceived as a perfect opportunity for Etsy sellers to gain new customers and grow sales.

Continue Reading more on Mother's Day and a list of some of the best mom-owned businesses who made it in the world of eCommerce using Etsy.

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