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QuickBooks Error Codes List And Its Easy Solution To Fix 2024 - quickproadvisor

Unraveling QuickBooks Error Codes - A Complete Guide

QuickBooks error codes can be perplexing, but with the right knowledge, troubleshooting becomes more manageable. Here, we'll focus on two prevalent errors - quickbooks error code 80070057 and quickbooks error 3371 status code 11118 - and provide solutions.

QuickBooks Error Code 80070057 - Decoding File-Related Issues

QuickBooks error code often stems from problems related to company file manipulation. Let's explore how to resolve this issue step by step:

Bullet Points:

  • Check File Extension:
  • Verify that the company file's extension is correct. QuickBooks typically uses .qbw for company files. If you observe a different extension, it may be causing the error.
  • Create a New Folder:
  • Generate a new folder on your desktop and copy the company file into it. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions to access and modify files within this folder.
  • Rename the File:
  • Modify the file extension to .qbw. This ensures compatibility with QuickBooks. Once done, attempt to open the file again to see if the error persists.

QuickBooks Error 3371 Status Code 11118 - Untangling Licensing Issues

QuickBooks error 3371 status code 11118 is often linked to licensing problems and can occur due to changes in the hardware or software environment. To address this error, follow these steps:

Bullet Points:

  • Update Windows OS:
  • Confirm that your Windows operating system is up-to-date. QuickBooks requires the latest updates for smooth functioning.
  • Recreate EntitlementDataStore.ecml File:
  • Close QuickBooks and navigate to the entitlement data folder. Delete the EntitlementDataStore.ecml file. Reopen QuickBooks, and the system will recreate the file.
  • Utilize QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool:
  • Download and run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool from the official Intuit website. This tool can identify and resolve issues related to Microsoft components used in QuickBooks.

QuickBooks Error Codes and Its Solutions

Beyond the specific errors mentioned, QuickBooks users may encounter various error codes during their usage. Here's a list of common QuickBooks error codes and general solutions:

Bullet Points:

  • Error 6000 Series:
  • Often linked to company file issues, running the QuickBooks File Doctor tool can resolve many problems within this series.
  • Error 6123:
  • Occurs when restoring a backup or opening a company file over a network. Ensure that all computers have the latest QuickBooks updates installed and use the QuickBooks File Doctor tool for resolution.

QuickBooks Error Codes Support - Fix QuickBooks Errors Easily

While QuickBooks error codes can be daunting, finding support is crucial for swift resolution. QuickProAdvisor offers dedicated support to address a myriad of QuickBooks issues. Here's what our support entails:

Bullet Points:

  • 24/7 Assistance:
  • QuickProAdvisor ensures round-the-clock support, recognizing that issues may arise at any time. Reach out to us whenever you encounter a problem.
  • Desktop Computer Compatibility:
  • Our support is tailored to cater to users across different platforms, including desktop computers. Our experts can guide you through troubleshooting processes on your desktop for a seamless experience.
  • Customized Solutions:
  • Every QuickBooks error may have unique nuances, and our support team provides tailored solutions. We don't offer generic fixes; instead, we analyze the specific problem and provide precise resolutions.

QuickBooks Error Codes Issues: How to Troubleshoot

When encountering QuickBooks error codes, a systematic approach to troubleshooting is essential. Here's a general guide to navigate through the troubleshooting process:

Bullet Points:

  • Identify the Error Code:
  • Take note of the specific error code and any accompanying messages. This information is crucial for targeted troubleshooting.
  • Search for Solutions:
  • Utilize official resources such as the QuickBooks support website and forums to search for solutions specific to the encountered error code.
  • Utilize Diagnostic Tools:
  • QuickBooks provides diagnostic tools like the QuickBooks File Doctor. These tools can automatically identify and fix many common issues.

Conclusion: Smooth Sailing Through QuickBooks Error Codes

In conclusion, QuickBooks error codes may pose challenges, but armed with the right knowledge and support, users can navigate through them with ease. Understanding specific error codes, such as quickbooks error code 80070057 and quickbooks error 3371 status code 11118, allows for targeted troubleshooting. QuickProAdvisor stands ready to assist, ensuring that your QuickBooks experience remains smooth and uninterrupted. Remember, with the right support, any QuickBooks error can be conquered, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – the success of your business.


QuickBooks Time Login: Streamline Your Time Management - quickproadvisor

Navigating QuickBooks Time Login

QuickBooks Time login is the gateway to efficient time tracking, payroll management, and overall workforce optimization. Let's explore the steps to access this powerful tool seamlessly.

The Features of QuickBooks Time

Before diving into the login process, let's explore some key features that make QuickBooks Time indispensable for businesses.

  • Timesheet Tracking:
  • QuickBooks Time allows employees to log their work hours seamlessly. The intuitive timesheet tracking feature ensures accurate and real-time records.
  • Integration with QuickBooks Online:
  • The synergy between QuickBooks Time and QuickBooks Online enhances the payroll management process. The integration minimizes errors and ensures a smooth flow of financial data.
  • Payroll Optimization:
  • Efficient time tracking translates into optimized payroll processing. QuickBooks Time automates the calculation of work hours, reducing the manual workload for payroll administrators.

QuickBooks Time Login Steps

Mastering the QuickBooks Time login process is essential for accessing its myriad features. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Bullet Points:

  • Visit the QuickBooks Time Login Page:
  • Open your web browser and navigate to the official QuickBooks Time login page. Whether you are accessing it through a desktop computer or a web browser, the login page is user-friendly.
  • Enter Your Credentials:
  • Input your username and password associated with your QuickBooks Time account. Ensure accuracy to avoid login issues.
  • Access Your Dashboard:
  • Once logged in, you will be directed to the dashboard. Familiarize yourself with the layout, showcasing time entries, projects, and employee hours.
  • Initiate Time Tracking:
  • Start tracking time by selecting the appropriate project or task. QuickBooks Time allows for real-time tracking, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Time Login Issues

While QuickBooks Time login is usually a smooth process, issues may arise. Let's explore common login problems and how to troubleshoot them.

  • Incorrect Credentials:
  • Double-check your username and password for accuracy. If forgotten, use the "Forgot Password" option for recovery.
  • Browser Compatibility:
  • Ensure that your web browser is up-to-date and compatible with QuickBooks Time. Clearing cache and cookies might resolve browser-related issues.
  • Network Connection:
  • A stable internet connection is crucial for QuickBooks Time login. Troubleshoot network issues to ensure seamless access.
  • Account Lockout:
  • Multiple unsuccessful login attempts may result in an account lockout. Contact QuickBooks Time support for assistance in unlocking your account.

QuickBooks Time Desktop Login

Accessing QuickBooks Time from your desktop computer involves a similar login process. Here are specific considerations for the desktop version:

  • Desktop Application Installation:
  • If using the desktop application, ensure it is installed correctly on your computer. Follow the installation guide provided by QuickBooks Time.
  • System Requirements:
  • Check your desktop computer's system requirements to ensure compatibility with the QuickBooks Time desktop application.
  • Syncing Data:
  • For desktop users, syncing data with QuickBooks Online may be necessary. Ensure that your desktop application is configured to sync seamlessly.

QuickBooks Time Login Support

QuickBooks Time understands that users may encounter login issues. Here's how to seek support and resolve problems effectively:

  • 24/7 Assistance:
  • QuickBooks Time provides around-the-clock support. Reach out for assistance whenever you encounter login issues.
  • Dedicated Support Team:
  • A team of experts is available to address login problems promptly. Contact QuickBooks Time support for personalized assistance.
  • Online Resources:
  • QuickBooks Time offers online resources, including FAQs and troubleshooting guides, for users seeking self-help solutions.

Conclusion: Mastering QuickBooks Time Login for Efficient Time Management

In conclusion, mastering the QuickBooks Time login process is essential for businesses aiming to optimize time tracking and streamline payroll management. With features like timesheet tracking, integration with QuickBooks Online, and dedicated support, QuickBooks Time emerges as a valuable tool in the realm of workforce optimization. Troubleshooting login issues becomes manageable with the right guidance, ensuring that businesses can harness the full potential of QuickBooks Time for efficient time management. Remember, with the right login approach, you pave the way for enhanced productivity and accurate payroll processing within your organization.


The Germ Control Benefits of Professional Carpet Cleaning Services


In thе hustlе and bustlе of our daily livеs,  carpеts silеntly bеar thе brunt of foot traffic,  spills,  and thе accumulation of unsееn contaminants. Whilе rеgular vacuuming may sееm likе an adеquatе solution, thе truth is that it mеrеly scratchеs thе surfacе.  Entеr profеssional carpеt clеaning London sеrvicеs – thе unsung hеroеs in thе battlе against gеrms and allеrgеns lurking bеnеath thе fibеrs.  

In this comprеhеnsivе articlе, wе will dеlvе into thе gеrm control bеnеfits of availing profеssional carpеt clеaning sеrvicеs, еxploring how thеy contributе to a hеalthiеr and safеr indoor еnvironmеnt. 

Thе Invisiblе Invadеrs - Undеrstanding Carpеt Gеrms

Bеforе wе dеlvе into thе еfficacy of profеssional carpеt clеaning,  it's еssеntial to comprеhеnd thе hiddеn dangеrs dwеlling within thе cozy fibеrs of our carpеts. Microscopic particlеs such as dust mitеs, bactеria, mold and allеrgеns oftеn makе carpеts thеir brееding ground. Lеft unattеndеd, thеsе invisiblе invadеrs can lеad to various hеalth issuеs,  ranging from rеspiratory problеms to skin allеrgiеs. 

Thе Inеffеctivеnеss of DIY Approachеs

Many homеownеrs adopt a do-it-yoursеlf (DIY) approach to carpеt clеaning, rеlying on off-thе-shеlf clеaning agеnts and rеntal machinеs.  Whilе thеsе еfforts may providе a supеrficial sеnsе of clеanlinеss, thеy oftеn fall short whеn it comеs to еliminating dееp-sеatеd gеrms and allеrgеns.  

Profеssional carpеt clеaning sеrvicеs, on thе othеr hand, еmploy advancеd tеchniquеs and еquipmеnt that pеnеtratе dееp into thе carpеt fibеrs, еnsuring a thorough and еffеctivе clеaning procеss. 

Thе Powеr of Hot Watеr Extraction

Onе of thе cornеrstonеs of profеssional carpеt clеaning Farningham services is thе hot watеr еxtraction mеthod.  This tеchniquе involvеs thе usе of hot watеr, еco-friеndly clеaning solutions and powеrful suction to еxtract dirt, bactеria and allеrgеns from thе carpеt.  

Unlikе traditional mеthods, hot watеr еxtraction not only rеmovеs surfacе dirt but also еradicatеs contaminants lurking within thе carpеt's corе,  providing a morе comprеhеnsivе and long-lasting solution. 

Allеrgеn Abatеmеnt and Hеalth Bеnеfits

For individuals suffеring from allеrgiеs or rеspiratory conditions,  thе bеnеfits of profеssional carpеt clеaning еxtеnd bеyond clеanlinеss.  By еliminating dust mitеs, mold and allеrgеns,  thеsе sеrvicеs contributе to a hеalthiеr indoor еnvironmеnt.  

Rеducеd allеrgеn lеvеls can allеviatе symptoms such as snееzing, coughing and rеspiratory distrеss,  providing much-nееdеd rеliеf to occupants,  еspеcially thosе with sеnsitivitiеs. 

Mold Prеvеntion and Mitigation

Mold growth in carpеts is a common concеrn,  еspеcially in arеas with high humidity.  Profеssional carpеt clеaning sеrvicеs play a pivotal rolе in prеvеnting and mitigating mold issuеs.  

Thе thorough еxtraction of moisturе during thе clеaning procеss, couplеd with thе usе of mold-inhibiting trеatmеnts, еnsurеs that carpеts rеmain a hostilе еnvironmеnt for mold sporеs,  safеguarding both thе carpеt and thе indoor air quality. 

Bactеrial Eradication for a Safеr Spacе

Bactеria, including harmful strains,  can thrivе in carpеts,  posing a potеntial hеalth risk to occupants. Profеssional carpеt clеaning Belvedere sеrvicеs еmploy spеcializеd antibactеrial agеnts that targеt and еliminatе bactеria, providing a sanitizing еffеct that goеs bеyond what housеhold clеaning products can achiеvе. This proactivе approach not only еnhancеs thе clеanlinеss of thе carpеt but also contributеs to a safеr living or working еnvironmеnt. 

Prolonging Carpеt Lifеspan

Bеyond thе hеalth bеnеfits,  profеssional carpеt clеaning sеrvicеs contributе to thе longеvity of your invеstmеnt.  Thе rеmoval of dirt, dеbris and contaminants prеvеnts prеmaturе wеar and tеar,  prеsеrving thе carpеt's appеarancе and structural intеgrity.  

Rеgular profеssional clеaning not only kееps carpеts looking frеsh but also еxtеnds thеir lifеspan,  ultimatеly saving homеownеrs monеy in thе long run. 

Eco-Friеndly Practicеs and Sustainability

In an еra whеrе еnvironmеntal consciousnеss is paramount,  rеputablе profеssional carpеt clеaning sеrvicеs prioritizе еco-friеndly practicеs.  From using biodеgradablе clеaning solutions to еnеrgy-еfficiеnt еquipmеnt, thеsе sеrvicеs arе committеd to minimizing thеir еcological footprint.  Homеownеrs can еnjoy thе dual bеnеfit of a clеan and hеalthy indoor еnvironmеnt whilе supporting sustainability еfforts. 


As wе navigatе thе dеmands of modеrn living,  thе significancе of maintaining a clеan and gеrm-frее indoor еnvironmеnt cannot bе ovеrstatеd. Profеssional carpеt clеaning Erith Marshes sеrvicеs еmеrgе as a bеacon of hygiеnе, offеring a comprеhеnsivе solution to thе invisiblе thrеats that lurk within our carpеts. From allеrgеn abatеmеnt and bactеrial еradication to mold prеvеntion and sustainability,  thеsе sеrvicеs go bеyond aеsthеtics, еnsuring a hеalthiеr and safеr spacе for occupants.  

So, thе nеxt timе you walk across your carpеt,  rеmеmbеr that bеnеath your fееt liеs a havеn of clеanlinеss, courtеsy of thе mеticulous carе providеd by profеssional carpеt clеaning sеrvicеs.


Custom Web App Development for Mobile: Responsive Design and Cross-Platform Compatibility

The Importance of Responsive Design in Today’s Mobile Environment

In today's mobile-dominated world, having a responsive design for your web app is more important than ever. With the increasing number of users accessing the internet on their smartphones and tablets, it is crucial to ensure that your website adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Responsive design allows your web app to automatically adjust its layout and content based on the device being used. This means that whether someone is viewing your site on a tiny smartphone or a large desktop monitor, they will have an optimal user experience. No more pinching and zooming to read text or struggling with buttons that are too small to tap accurately.

Not only does responsive design improve usability for mobile users, but it also has significant benefits for search engine optimization (SEO). Google has stated that responsive websites are preferred in search rankings because they provide a better user experience. So by implementing responsive design, you can potentially improve your site's visibility in search results.

Furthermore, having a responsive web app eliminates the need for separate versions of your site for different devices. Instead of maintaining multiple sites with different codebases, you can focus on developing one unified application that works well across all platforms.

However, achieving responsive design isn't without its challenges. It requires careful planning and consideration of factors such as navigation menus, images resizing properly, optimizing page load times across various devices and ensuring touch-friendly interactions.

Responsiveness should be approached holistically during custom web app development process rather than as an afterthought. By prioritizing responsiveness from the beginning stages of development while utilizing modern CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation - you can build flexible layouts that adapt elegantly across devices.

Advantages and Challenges of Cross-Platform Compatibility

Cross-platform compatibility is a crucial aspect of custom web app development services for mobile. It refers to the ability of an app to function seamlessly on different operating systems and devices.

One of the major advantages of cross-platform compatibility is that it allows businesses to reach a wider audience with their apps. Instead of developing separate apps for each platform, developers can create one app that works across multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistent user experience.

Another advantage is that cross-platform development frameworks enable faster deployment. By using tools like React Native or Xamarin, developers can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms simultaneously. This significantly reduces development time and speeds up the release cycle.

However, there are challenges associated with cross-platform compatibility as well. One challenge is ensuring optimal performance on different devices with varying hardware specifications. Developers need to carefully optimize their code to ensure smooth performance across all platforms.

Another challenge lies in maintaining consistency in UI/UX design across different platforms. Each platform has its own design guidelines and standards, so developers must adapt their designs accordingly while still providing a cohesive user experience.

Choosing the Right Tools and Technologies for Custom Web App Development

When it comes to developing custom web apps for mobile devices, choosing the right tools and technologies is crucial. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones will best suit your needs.

Consider the programming languages and frameworks that are compatible with both web and mobile platforms. This will ensure that your app can run smoothly on various operating systems. For example, JavaScript is widely used for building interactive web applications and it also has frameworks like React Native or Ionic which allow you to develop cross-platform mobile apps.

Another important factor to consider is the development environment. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Visual Studio Code or Xcode provide a range of features that streamline the development process and make debugging easier.

Additionally, selecting responsive design frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation can greatly simplify the task of creating a visually appealing user interface across different screen sizes. These frameworks offer pre-built components and CSS stylesheets that adapt automatically to fit various devices.

Furthermore, utilizing cloud-based services like AWS (Amazon Web Services) or Firebase can provide scalable storage solutions, real-time data synchronization, push notifications, and more for your custom web app.

Keep in mind factors such as community support and documentation when choosing tools and technologies. Having access to helpful resources can save time in troubleshooting issues during development.

By carefully considering these aspects when choosing tools and technologies for custom web app development for mobile devices, you'll set yourself up for success in creating an efficient and user-friendly application.

Best Practices for Achieving Responsive Design and Cross-Platform Compatibility

When it comes to achieving responsive design and cross-platform compatibility for custom web app development, there are a few best practices that can greatly enhance the user experience.

It is crucial to prioritize mobile-first design. This means designing and optimizing the website or app with mobile devices in mind from the outset. By starting with a mobile-focused approach, you ensure that your design will adapt well to larger screens.

Another important practice is using fluid layouts and flexible grids. These allow elements on the page to automatically adjust their size and position based on the screen size, creating a seamless user experience across different devices.

Additionally, it's essential to optimize images and media files for mobile devices. Large file sizes can slow down load times and create a poor user experience. Compressing images without sacrificing quality can help improve performance.

Furthermore, implementing breakpoints is crucial for responsive design. Breakpoints are specific screen widths at which the layout of a website or app changes in order to accommodate different device sizes. By strategically placing breakpoints throughout your design, you can ensure that content rearranges itself smoothly as users switch between devices.

Thorough testing across various browsers and devices is vital before launching your web app or website. This helps identify any issues related to responsiveness or cross-platform compatibility early on so they can be addressed before reaching users.

Conclusion: Future of Custom Web App Development for Mobile

As the world becomes increasingly mobile-centric, custom web app development for mobile is becoming more important than ever. With the majority of internet users accessing content on their smartphones and tablets, businesses need to ensure that their web apps are responsive and compatible across various platforms.

Responsive design has emerged as a crucial element in creating user-friendly experiences on mobile devices. It allows websites to adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction. By prioritizing responsive design in web app development, businesses can enhance user engagement and drive conversions.

Cross-platform compatibility also plays a significant role in the success of custom web app development for mobile. With multiple operating systems and device configurations available today, it's essential to create apps that work flawlessly across all platforms. This not only expands the reach of your app but also ensures consistent performance for all users.

In order to achieve these goals, choosing the right tools and technologies is paramount. There is a wide range of frameworks and libraries available that facilitate responsive design and cross-platform compatibility. Developers should carefully evaluate each option based on factors such as ease of use, scalability, performance optimization capabilities, and community support.

Implementing best practices during the development process is crucial for achieving both responsive design and cross-platform compatibility. These include using fluid layouts, optimizing images for different resolutions, leveraging CSS media queries effectively, testing on multiple devices regularly, and continuously monitoring performance metrics.

Looking ahead into the future of custom web app development for mobiles we can expect even greater advancements in technology that will further enhance responsiveness and cross-platform compatibility.


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Beyond Aesthetics: How Visual Design Shapes User Interaction on the Web

Visual design plays a far more important part in the dynamic field of web development than just aesthetics. It turns into a crucial factor that molds and directs user engagement, permanently altering the whole digital experience. This investigation explores the various facets of visual design and reveals its strategic importance in influencing how consumers interact with websites.

*Initial Views Are Important: The Aesthetic Entryway

A website's aesthetic appeal establishes the tone for user involvement from the very first point of contact. Learn the psychology behind font choices, color schemes, and artwork that grabs viewers from the first click and leaves a good impression. If you are looking for the best  website designing company in Delhi so meet with us we are the best website designers team in Delhi and we provides all types of website related services and also design old website into new website so contact us to design your website.

* Getting Around the User Journey: Principles of Intuitive Design         

In order to create an intuitive user interface, visual design is essential. Discover the fundamentals of navigation design, from strategically positioned call-to-action buttons to fluid menu layouts, to guarantee that users can easily locate what they're looking for and have a frictionless experience navigating the digital world.

*Using Images to Tell Stories: Establishing Emotional Bonds

Without using words, images may evoke strong feelings and communicate compelling stories. Discover how visual components—from eye-catching images to powerful graphics—help to tell a story and help websites connect with visitors on a more profound emotional level.

* Context-Aware Design: Adjusting to User Needs

Visual design needs to be responsive due to the variety of devices used to access the internet. Examine how design elements may adapt to different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations to provide a consistent and optimal user experience.

*Pixel-by-Pixel Brand Identity: Website Visual Language

A brand's visual language is how it communicates with its target market. Analyze how logos, color schemes, and unified branding contribute to a website's identity reinforcement, brand memory, and user trust.

* Inclusive User Experiences and Accessibility as a Design Imperative:-

Examine the moral implications of graphic design, emphasizing the development of user interfaces that are suitable for people of all skill levels. Recognize how well-considered design choices lead to a more inclusive online where people of all backgrounds may interact with digital information without difficulty.

*Optimizing Performance: Juggling Speed and Aesthetics:-

A website's speed is crucial in this day of instant satisfaction. Learn how to make the most of visual components without sacrificing aesthetic integrity to give users a quick and enjoyable browsing experience.

"Beyond Aesthetics" is essentially an exploration of the complex web of visual design, where experiences are created from pixels and aesthetics coexist with functionality. Understanding and utilizing visual design's power allows us to influence user interactions and transform the web into a place where usability and beauty come together to create a memorable online experience.


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Customizable features and settings allow you to tailor the software to your specific business needs, while robust security measures ensure the safety of sensitive information. Rides Rental Software's Golf Cart Rental Software is your key to streamlining operations, boosting bookings, and staying competitive in the golf cart rental industry.

Rides Rental Software's Golf Cart Rental Software is your premier choice for taking your golf cart rental business to new heights. With a focus on efficiency, revenue growth, and customer satisfaction, our web-based platform is the solution you need to thrive in the ever-evolving golf cart rental market. Join us today and experience the future of golf cart rental management with Rides Rental Software.


Can I publish a research paper for free?

Scholars and researchers belonging to different fields of research seek sites to publish research papers online free or free journals to publish research papers. The motive behind seeking journals to publish papers for free is to earn respect among the research community, career advancement, and global recognition. 


how to free submit a paper to a journal listed in ABCD Index

Individuals who are looking for free paper publications or research article publications without any cost can Visit ABCD Index. It’s a free to access platform for the research and academic individuals. Here they can find all types of databases required for research from beginning to publishing.

Who can submit research papers and articles in RAMP?

Individuals related to science, mathematics, engineering, social science, arts, humanities, and others can submit their research papers/ articles to RAMP. There is no restriction for a particular discipline; we accept almost all types of research papers from different research domains. Scholars can submit their research paper or article without worrying about the research areas. They will be notified by the journal for the further process.

How one can submit research papers and articles to RAMP

Submitting a research paper or article in RAMP is very easy and user friendly. Follow the steps to submit research paper or article in the RAMP:

1.    The first thing one has to do is go to the RAMP portal. For this, one has to click on the link given in the blog. It will redirect to the paper submission page.

2.    Take an overview of the RAMP portal and get familiarized with the fields.

3.    Now fill the corresponding author email in the box, stating the same then move to the next field.

4.    Now fill in the authors details like name, email address, belonging country or region, affiliated institute i.e. college, university, research lab, organization), profile link if you have any etc.

5.    If a research paper or article has more than one author then they can use the Add more option to include multiple authors. To add co-authors just click on the Add more authors button provided below the author details and fill the fields. One can also delete the last added field if required.

6.    After filling the author’s details, move to the next field. Here write the title of the research paper or article in the title box. Now move to the abstract part and fill the abstract related to the research article. It will help reviewers to have an overview of the content of the research work.

7.    Add keywords related to the research paper.

8.    Now add the research paper file in pdf or document whatever format you had.

9.    Check all the fields before making the final submission.

10. Now click on the submit button.

Wait for the response, you will be notified soon.


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Agrolidya Tarim
I solved this problem like this; Go to the Business Integrations section on the Facebook settings. You can use this link to do so: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=business_tools&ref=settings

How Data is Transforming Digital Information Technology

Data is also the source of many challenges and opportunities for digital information technology in the 21st century.

In this article, we will explore how data is transforming digital information technology in various aspects, such as:

  • Data generation and collection
  • Data storage and processing
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Data security and privacy
  • Data governance and ethics

Data Generation and Collection

Rley Site: One of the most remarkable trends in digital information technology is the exponential growth of data generation and collection. According to a report by IDC, the global data sphere will reach 175 zettabytes by 2025, up from 33 zettabytes in 2018. That means that every person on Earth will generate about 1.7 megabytes of data per second by 2025.

The sources of data are diverse and ubiquitous, ranging from traditional devices such as computers and smartphones to emerging technologies such as sensors, cameras, drones, wearables, smart appliances, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. These devices generate data from various domains, such as social media, e-commerce, entertainment, education, health care, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, and more.

The collection of data is also becoming more sophisticated and automated, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and cloud computing. These technologies enable data collection from various formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, speech, and biometrics. They also enable data collection from various channels, such as online platforms, mobile applications, web browsers, email clients, chatbots, voice assistants, and more.

Data Storage and Processing

Another major trend in digital information technology is the evolution of data storage and processing. As the volume, variety, velocity, and veracity of data increase, so do the demands for data storage and processing. Traditional methods of data storage and processing, such as relational databases and batch processing, are no longer sufficient to handle the complexity and scale of data.

Therefore, new methods of data storage and processing have emerged, such as:

  • NoSQL databases: These are non-relational databases that can store and query unstructured or semi-structured data in various formats, such as key-value pairs (e.g., Redis), documents (e.g., MongoDB), columns (e.g., Cassandra), graphs (e.g., Neo4j), or JSON (e.g., CouchDB). NoSQL databases offer more flexibility, scalability, and performance than relational databases for certain use cases.
  • Big data frameworks: These are software platforms that can store and process large amounts of data in distributed clusters of servers using parallel computing techniques. Examples of big data frameworks include Hadoop , Spark , Flink , Kafka , Storm , Samza , etc. Big data frameworks enable faster, more efficient, and more reliable data processing than traditional methods.
  • Cloud computing: This is a model of delivering computing resources, such as servers, storage, networks, software, etc., as services over the internet on demand. Examples of cloud computing providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure , Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM Cloud , etc. Cloud computing offers more scalability, elasticity, availability, and cost-effectiveness than on-premise computing for data storage and processing.

Data Analysis and Visualization

A third major trend in digital information technology is the advancement of data analysis and visualization. As the amount, diversity, and richness of data increase, so do the possibilities for extracting insights, knowledge, and value from data.

Data analysis is the process of applying statistical, mathematical, or logical techniques to data to discover patterns, trends, correlations, anomalies, or predictions. Data analysis can be performed using various tools, such as spreadsheets, databases, programming languages (e.g., Python , R , Java , etc.), or specialized software (e.g., SAS , SPSS , MATLAB , etc.).

Data visualization is the process of presenting data in graphical or pictorial forms, such as charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, dashboards, etc., to communicate information, stories, or insights effectively and intuitively. Data visualization can be created using various tools, such as Excel , Power BI , Tableau , Qlik , D3.js , etc.

Data analysis and visualization can be applied to various domains and purposes, such as:

  • Business intelligence: This is the use of data to support decision-making and improve performance in business operations, strategies, and goals. Examples of business intelligence applications include customer segmentation, market analysis, sales forecasting, product optimization, etc.
  • Data science: This is the use of data to solve complex problems and generate value in various fields, such as science, engineering, medicine, education, etc. Examples of data science applications include sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, fraud detection, image recognition, etc.
  • Data journalism: This is the use of data to produce and enhance stories and reports in journalism and media. Examples of data journalism applications include investigative reporting, interactive storytelling, data-driven storytelling, etc.

Data Security and Privacy

A fourth major trend in digital information technology is the challenge of data security and privacy. As the collection, storage, processing, analysis, and visualization of data become more widespread and sophisticated, so do the risks and threats to data security and privacy. Data security and privacy are the protection of data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction.

Data security and privacy can be compromised by various factors, such as:

  • Cyberattacks: These are malicious attempts to access, steal, damage, or disrupt data or systems by hackers, criminals, terrorists, or state actors. Examples of cyberattacks include phishing, malware, ransomware, denial-of-service (DoS), distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), etc.
  • Data breaches: These are incidents where data is exposed or leaked to unauthorized parties due to negligence, error, or failure of security measures. Examples of data breaches include Equifax , Yahoo , Marriott , Facebook , etc.
  • Data misuse: These are instances where data is used for purposes that are not intended, consented, or authorized by the data owners or providers. Examples of data misuse include Cambridge Analytica , Clearview AI , TikTok , etc.

Data security and privacy can be enhanced by various measures, such as:

  • Encryption: This is the process of transforming data into unreadable or unintelligible forms using mathematical algorithms and keys. Encryption can prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of data during transmission or storage.
  • Authentication: This is the process of verifying the identity or legitimacy of users or devices that access or use data or systems. Authentication can prevent unauthorized access or use of data or systems.
  • Authorization: This is the process of granting or denying permissions or privileges to users or devices that access or use data or systems. Authorization can prevent unauthorized access or use of data or systems.
  • Audit: This is the process of monitoring, recording, reviewing, and reporting the activities or events that involve data or systems. Audit can detect and prevent unauthorized access or use of data or systems.
  • Compliance: This is the process of adhering to the laws, regulations, standards, policies, or guidelines that govern data security and privacy. Compliance can prevent legal, ethical, or reputational risks or consequences due to data security and privacy violations.

Data Governance and Ethics

A fifth major trend in digital information technology is the importance of data governance and ethics. As the value and impact of data increase, so do the responsibilities and accountabilities for data quality, integrity, availability, usability, and sustainability. Data governance and ethics are the principles, practices, processes, roles, and rules that ensure the proper management and use of data.

Data governance and ethics can be influenced by various factors, such as:

  • Stakeholders: These are the individuals or groups that have an interest or stake in data. Stakeholders can include data owners (those who create or provide data), data custodians (those who store or maintain data), data users (those who access or consume data), data regulators (those who oversee or enforce data laws or rules), etc.
  • Objectives: These are the goals or purposes that drive the creation, collection, storage, processing, analysis, visualization, sharing, or disposal of data. Objectives can include business objectives (e.g., revenue growth), social objectives (e.g., public health), environmental objectives (e.g., carbon footprint reduction), etc.
  • Values: These are the beliefs or standards that guide the evaluation or judgment of data. Values can include accuracy (the degree to which data reflects reality), completeness (the degree to which data covers all relevant aspects), timeliness (the degree to which data is up-to-date), relevance (the degree to which data meets the needs of users), etc.
  • Ethics: These are the moral principles that govern the conduct or behavior of individuals or groups regarding data.


Data is transforming digital information technology in many ways, such as:

  • Data generation and collection: Data is being generated and collected from various sources, formats, and channels at an unprecedented rate and scale.
  • Data storage and processing: Data is being stored and processed using new methods that offer more flexibility, scalability, efficiency, and reliability than traditional methods.
  • Data analysis and visualization: Data is being analyzed and visualized using various tools that enable faster, more effective, and more intuitive extraction and communication of insights, knowledge, and value from data.
  • Data security and privacy: Data is being protected from various risks and threats to data security and privacy using various measures that prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction of data.
  • Data governance and ethics: Data is being managed and used according to various principles, practices, processes, roles, and rules that ensure the proper quality, integrity, availability, usability, and sustainability of data.

Data is the lifeblood of digital information technology. It is also the source of many challenges and opportunities for digital information technology in the 21st century. Therefore, it is essential to understand how data is transforming digital information technology and how to leverage data for innovation, decision-making, and value creation.


when requests are received, the "time" field shows incorrect

Hello, when applications are received, the "time" field shows incorrectly, with a different belt, how can I change it?


How does marketing work, and what is the goal?


Some of you may have seen descriptions like ‘Marketing is the actions that promote products, actions that help businesses to reach out to their audience and sell somethings’.

All talks about sales and promotions and it makes sense.

But I think marketing has a deeper goal.

Actually, that is why I decided to write about it, and maybe this thought will be interesting for you.

In my opinion, Marketing is the technology for changing human behavior after consuming information and the main purpose of marketing is to change human behavior.

This is a key thing. Behavior can be absolutely different.


You can buy something, try something, read, watch something, sign up on the website, go somewhere, or even board a spaceship, and go to war with aliens you've never seen before.


I will give you a simple example.

You are walking on the street, thinking about how your boss is bad, and suddenly you see the restaurant or cafeteria ad like ‘Сoffee with a chocolate croissant’.

And you think 'Hmmm... It looks so tasty! Damn, I want this!'.

So you enter this coffee shop and buy this coffee and chocolate croissant.

But the main idea is that 30 seconds ago you didn’t have any thoughts about it.

You saw the information, in this case, it was an image of coffee and chocolate, and your behavior changed.

30 sec ago you were thinking about work, about your bad boss.

But now you’re drinking coffee and eating croissants.

It looks so obvious but people don’t think in this direction and I don't understand why.

For all people, marketing is like Facebook ads or Google ads or how many leads we get today.

But for me, marketing is about changing human behavior and converting it into the actions that you need, as a seller.

The next point, let's figure out another important topic that will blow your mind.


Let’s talk about the foundation of marketing.

And you will see that it is based on two pillars.

These are a Psychological part and a Technical part.

The psychological part is information that changes human behavior

The technical part is how you deliver this information to people's minds.

Going back again to our coffee shop example, you see the image of these delicious chocolate croissants and you begin to want them.

This picture is the visual information that changes your behavior.


You begin to want to eat croissants after seeing it.

And the outdoor ads banner is a technology to deliver this information into your mind.


Another example.

You can see the same information about Croissants and this coffee shop on someone's Instagram.


The information is the same. But the delivery technology is different.

The problem is that people don’t divide psychological and technological parts.

They think in categories like YouTube marketing, Instagram marketing, Search Ads, etc.

In all cases, digital marketing or marketing channels are the technology to deliver information in different formats.

It can be images, short text or long text, video, or something else.

And the main point is if the information does not change human behavior the change of delivery channel will not help you.

This is extremely important, so I’d like to underline it.

If the information doesn't change people's behavior, then changing the delivery channel won't help you.

I’m sure you've seen a lot of people that said: 
'In my business, Google ads don’t work, I will try Facebook ads'.


And they are flipping different types of digital marketing again and again.

Of course, different businesses need to use different marketing channels, I just want to explain to you how it works in general.

So, the main idea is if your information, I mean offer, doesn't convert, any super modern technology won’t help.


I’ll tell you a story about my university friend.

You know, all of us had a strange friend in college.

He had a problem with communication with girls. He really didn't understand when his offer was not interesting.


He caught girls in the hallway between classes and asked them for a number.

Every time they rejected him.

After that, he found their numbers, I don't know how he did it.

Maybe in college time, he was working in a lead generation agency. 😆


So, he texted the first massage like 'Hey! Let's go grab a cup of coffee!'.


The girls didn’t answer.


Then he sends another message and another. Silence.


Then he thought 'Hmmm... Maybe I should call?'.


And after a few calls in most cases, he was blocked.

But he didn't give up, and he reached out to them on Instagram.


I’m not joking guys! He really didn’t figure out what the problem was.

And the problem was the product and the information that he delivered, not a communication channel.

Do you think people do differently in business?

They are doing exactly the same things.


That is why our team prepared a downloadable file with the map where you can figure out how to scale a digital marketing agency and transform it into a tech startup.

What sales technique do you need to use, and how to target high-paying customers?

It is actually our way in Apiway.


We started as a marketing agency and after that transformed our agency into a tech start-up, and you can learn more about it and replicate this path much faster than we did.

So, If you are interested in scaling your digital marketing agency follow the link below, download the file, and explore this map.

→ → → 5-Level Digital marketing career path ← ← ←


Another interesting thing that people don't understand, and I think it is very important is that the psychology part has not changed for centuries, but the technology part is changing very quickly.

The sales triggers that converted people 2000 years ago are the same nowadays.


But the technology of delivering information completely changed.


2000 years ago people used only word-of-mouth technology.

It was the only way to transfer information, you could tell someone something and that is all.


After that people learned how to crypt and decrypt information using alphabets and books.

What actually the book is?

It is encrypted information that you can transmit at a distance and time.

Imagine the ancient Rome time and you need to say something to your military general that performing let’s say in Germany or in Britain.

The only way you can use is to write a text.

The text format was absolutely dominating for 2000 years but the industrial revolution came and humanity got the radio and cinema.

It means that you could transmit information for thousands of miles in one moment.

Movies allowed us to create virtual pictures. This is another level of the Matrix.

In the movie, you can live in the other universe.

In the 1970s the era of mass television came, and now we live in this post-TV era, where every person can have:

His own TV channel like YouTube, or radio like an Apple podcast, or have their own newspaper like a blog on the website, Facebook, or Instagram.


But the crucial thing is that the content in books and newspapers is not so different from blogs.

Content in a theater is not so different from movies.

2000 years ago people watched gladiator fights in Colisum, eat bread, and drank wine.

What are people doing now?

They're watching John Wick in the cinema, drinking Coca-Cola, and eating popcorn.


TV is also not so different from YouTube, you know.

Let's compare old-school TV shows with some standups for example.

So, it means that in general the information is the same and didn't change for hundreds of years but the technology of delivering this information into the human mind changes very quickly.

Every 10 years we get a new platform for delivering information.

In the 1970s it was television, in the 1990s it was cell phones, in the 2000s it was Web sites, after Web sites it was Facebook, Instagram, and now GPT chat.

Technology is changing very quickly.


Another important conclusion I made about marketing is that every day people get up and ask themselves these questions:

- How do I need to live?

- Why should I clean my teeth twice a day?

- Why not one or three?

- Why should I eat popcorn when I'm watching a movie?

- Why Coca-Cola is the best drink for a Christmas party?

There are a lot of stereotypes and you do it automatically without thinking.

The question “How to live” is what people asked at all times.


Before the 20th century, the answer to this question was given by religion and the government.

If you read the Bible or other Holy books you will note that these books are the instructions for people on how they need to live, and these instructions are moral standards.

Reading the Bible you can figure out 'What is good and what is bad?'.

And you can rely on these moral standards, but in the 20th century, all changed.


The main shift in society happened because big corporations started telling you how to live your life.

Let's say, Coco Chanel told all women 'Why do you wear only dresses? Women can wear Trousers and it's normal.'

She said 'Moreover. It's not just normal. It's f*cking cool!'

And all women said: 'Damn, why didn't I think of that? Really? Was that an option?'.


Or, let's say 'Don't rent a hotel room. Stay in someone's place using Airbnb'.

'You don't have accounts on social networks. Are you crazy?'.

'You don’t like our agenda? Hmmm... Something wrong with you...'.


The government and religion help you to understand what you need to do in general.

But brands tell you what you need to do exactly in a niche where brands perform.

Imagine that your brain is like a rack with boxes, and every box is some category in your life that you are interested in.

For example car box. Imagine that in this box you can find rules about how you should think in this particular niche.


Let's say you like Marseds Benz. And in your car box category, you have information that Mercedes is the only worth car in the world.

Because it is the status thing and all successful people have a Mercedes and you can’t be a really successful person without Mercedes.


And your friend also has the same box but in his box, he has instructions that Tesla is the best solution because it is so cool, green energy, blah, blah, blah.

For all product categories, you have the box and brands are fighting to be in the first place in this box in your mind.

The best products create their own category. For example Jacuzzi. It is the name of the company. Or Xerox. or Pampers.

These categories of goods are named by the companies that invented these products.

The entrepreneurs create new boxes, new categories, and unique products

Marketers try to put your brand in the box and put your competitor out of this box.

You should understand that all battles are going on in the consumer's head.

And your goal as a marketer is to use the information and different delivery channels, I mean technology to change people's behavior as you need as a seller.


The first thing is that Marketing is the technology for changing human behavior after consuming information and the main purpose of marketing is to change human behavior and turn this behavior into the actions that you need as a seller.


The second thing is that marketing is based on two pillars. Psychological part and technological part.

The psychological part is the information that changes human’s behavior and the technological part is how you deliver information into the human’s mind.


The third thing is that the phycological part is not changed for centuries.

But the technological part changing very quickly.


And the final thing is that brands tell people how they need to live and try to get first place in a brand’s category box.


How to Simplify Data Integration Through Artificial Intelligence?

Data highly drive enterprises' decision-making to save valuable time, money, and resources and boost operations. The need to connect applications, systems, endpoints, and users delivers effective operations. And to accomplish the same, organizations have to integrate data effectively. However, the traditional method of data integration using RDBMS, CRM, and file systems is not enough in the big data world where sources like social media deliver massive data units. So, bringing artificial intelligence into data integration becomes necessary to summarize and form actional insights.

The main goal of data integration with AI capabilities is to leverage past information and predict upcoming challenges and opportunities by putting the collected data to proper usage. This article will explore How to Simplify Data Integration with Artificial Intelligence? Let us start by understanding the challenges that enterprises face while integrating data. 

 Drawbacks in traditional data integration simplification approaches

Do you know that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day? Since the data sources are increasing where an organization collects data from sources like streaming services, social media content, and other valuable sources, the traditional mode of data integration cannot manage the data set effectively. The enterprises face the following challenges while in data integration without integrating artificial intelligence: 

  • Data sources are massively increasing, with more and more users connecting to enterprises through the internet. 
  • When the data sets increase, it is complex to categorize and manage the data. 
  • Businesses have to set multiple data handles to access, edit, and copy the data to further reach to deliver actionable insights. 
  • To work around data set enterprises, they must regularly invest resources to understand multiple access points. 
  • Different people working on multiple data sources sometimes lead to duplicity, increasing data loads. 

The above challenges require the power of Artificial intelligence to efficiently achieve efficiency to make data-driven decisions. Yet, before integrating Artificial intelligence, a few hindrances are associated with implementation. Let us examine these hindrances before understanding how AI can amplify data integration and decision-making for enterprises.

Hindrances in simplifying data integration with Artificial intelligence

There is no shortcut to implementing data integration with Artificial intelligence. AI demands resources, advanced approaches, infrastructure, and much more.

Determining the right datasets

We have seen how the data sources are increasing, and it is complex for traditional data management tools to determine the right datasets. However, traditional data management tools lack complex functionalities for data integration. Determining the right data sets stays a challenge while implementing while preparing AI-rich algorithms. To build effective AI-rich solutions, identifying and aggregating accurate training datasets are essential for better AI-based learning and driving decisions.

Data Security and Storage

Artificial intelligence works best when data sets are large to train the AI. With more data, AI can bring better predictions and patterns for enterprises. But, the challenge of storage restricts enterprises towards data integration using Artificial intelligence. The large volumes of data require a powerful storage device that can store the data without crashing. Further, the massive data sets increase the risk of security for the data while performing intelligent operations on the data. Embracing an efficient data management ecosystem assists enterprises in implementing data integration with AI.

Infrastructure Silos

A critical challenge while implementing AI-rich infrastructure is infrastructure silos. Since AI is in evolving stage, enterprises still have not focused on building AI infrastructure. Data integration through Artificial intelligence demands high computational speed and power for development, testing, and running the solutions. 91.5% of top-rated businesses invest in AI to boost efficiency in operations. Enterprises have to invest in the infrastructure from the GPU to CPU and storage devices, which becomes a strong challenge for new startups while implementing data integration into Artificial intelligence.

Utilizing and updating existing systems

Another major area where enterprises face challenges is using existing business resources and strategically updating them according to the requirements of AI while also saving costs. Integrating existing APIs and architecture becomes a serious challenge for enterprises who want to leverage the power of Artificial intelligence. However, the fact is that “75% of executives fear losing their businesses in 5 years if they don’t scale AI.”

Advanced algorithms and highly tested training models

AI involves extensive training models and intelligent algorithms. Why? Because an enterprise is teaching a computer how to think like a human, and it is only possible through advanced algorithms. And to achieve maximum accuracy, highly tested training models remain challenging for an organization.

Ways to simplify data integration through Artificial intelligence?

Data integration through artificial intelligence requires deliberate planning, preparation, and the right execution. Here is how to simplify it through AI.

Build a right big data storage infrastructure

The volume of data is massive due to the increasing data sources like social media and other content sites. A proper storage capacity with the right input/output operations per second and reliability will simplify data integration and support Artificial intelligence. For example, a gaming business must have a high-quality input-output operation per second to avoid latency and learn from the network patterns. Further, analyzing the amount of data an application will generate, performing post-processing, and monitoring the capacity is a key steps in simplifying the database.

AI-rich networking infrastructure for security

High bandwidth and low latency are important factors for making data-driven decisions. The learning algorithms demand a fast input-output of data to sample, analyze and process the insights. Automating most of the task always deliver efficiency in operations and powers software with machine learning capabilities to predict security threats on the networks and react in real-time.

 Ease the workloads

Adopt powerful computing in your enterprises. You need high-quality algorithms to manage the AI components and simplify the data integration. The right hardware for your AI workload is important because of the data arriving from multiple sources. Enterprises require an in-depth knowledge of modern AI, and it is better to take Data integration service from an Artificial intelligence service provider. AI can ease your data workload.

Build advanced and high data simplification algorithms

Artificial intelligence simplifies data integration, making storing, processing, and managing information easier. Data cleansing can be a powerful technique to filter the data and avoid duplicacy. Machine learning and artificial intelligence services or platforms can assist your enterprise in building intelligence algorithms to simplify your data integration.

AI-based Governance for data

Proper data access controls use to identify and access management to manage access to resources. Set proper labels and assignation of roles to the users. Data encryption is another instance of great data integration using artificial intelligence. Encrypt your sensitive information through machine learning while your advanced AI algorithms study the data and process it to prepare actionable insights.

Wrapping up Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data transformation

Artificial intelligence simplifies the data integration process. The increasing number of data sources is growing the need to build intelligent systems that collect, categorize, process, and analyze data on their own and deliver actionable insight to the business. However, entrepreneurs have several challenges when involving Artificial intelligence. Despite the challenges, enterprises can explore several Data Integration Tools and platforms or take Data Integration Services or artificial intelligence services if they want smooth and efficient business operations.


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How to sell your marketing service for a tech startup

This article will be helpful if you are a digital marketing freelancer or a digital marketing agency owner and you want to find high-paying customers from the tech world that will pay you 2-5-10K per month and more.

I’ve divided this topic into four subtopics.


The first one is

‘Why Tech Startups are the perfect customers for your digital marketing agency?’

because most agency owners don't realize why making services for tech startups is beneficial.


The second one is

‘How to sell to startups that just raised money?’

There are a lot of tech startups in the world, and you need to focus on startups that have money.

But the question is, how do you find the startups that just raised money?


The third thing I’ll tell you is

‘How to target startup owners on Facebook and Instagram?’

Spoiler it’s not by targeting the interest of ‘Startup’ in Facebook ads.

I’ll show you a better way to reach out to startup founders.


The fourth thing is

‘How to show your expertise?’

Because if you come to the startup owner and say ‘Hey, I can run Facebook ads!’, or ‘I can do SEO!’, or my favorite ‘Hello Sir, I want to provide you high-quality backlinks!

You won’t probably get an answer.

Trust me.

As an Apiway founder, I get these messages every fucking day.


So let's get started, and the first topic we’ll cover is

Why tech startups are the perfect customers for your digital marketing agency?

If you provide digital marketing services, you have probably faced a problem where the customer pays you for 2-5 months and then churns.

You may think something is wrong with you or that you don’t have enough experience, but that's not the case.

They churned because the businesses you serve don't have a scalable business model.

Let me tell you a story about my father.

He is a painter and he decided to launch an art studio where he would teach kids painting.

This is a local business because kids visit art studios around their house, not on the other side of the city.

The seats in the studio are also limited because it's a studio, not a stadium.

I helped him with the Facebook marketing campaign, and guess what happened?

After a one-month campaign, we sold out all seats in the art studio, and now my father doesn't need my marketing services anymore 😂

Because all the seats in this teeny studio are already taken.

It means that his business is not scalable.


As an agency owner, you can earn more from one customer if they grow.

They can increase their marketing budgets, add new campaigns, and pay you more to manage these new campaigns and increased budgets.

You grow with them.

How can you earn more by providing a service for non-scalable companies?

It's impossible. You will stay in one place.

That’s why I recommend you pay attention to the tech startup niche because tech startups are good for scaling.

But in the beginning, let’s figure out how tech startups perform because the startup's growth model is completely different from common businesses.

When you figure it out, you will understand why it's cool.


Basically, the main business goal of a startup is to increase the valuation of the company.

You can increase valuation only by showing revenue growth.

In the startup world, it's named ‘Traction’.

Mind you, I said revenue growth, not net income.

This is extremely important to understand.

Tech startups sell digital products, not human's time.


That's why they scale by getting new customers, not by adding new employees who will do the job or adding new seats and barbers in a barbershop.

For example, in my startup Apiway, to scale, I need more digital marketers as customers who will use the product, and to provide this, I just need to boost marketing and server infrastructure. Not add new people.

That's why paid marketing is the most important thing in the tech startup business.

Another important thing about startup scaling is that startups live from one round of investments to the next round.

In most cases, it takes 12-18 months. In that period of time, the startup has to make 2x-10x in revenue.

If they don’t, they can't raise money in the next round.

On average, startups invest 40-60% of a new round of investments in growth. These are sales and marketing.


Let's do a bit of calculation. A startup raised $1.5M. In the next, let’s say, 15 months, they’ll spend around 800K for marketing from the last investment round.

So every month, they’ll spend 50K+ on digital marketing and you can get a piece of cake from this cash flow.

Don’t forget that startups start to get revenue from sales, not just from investments. That's why budgets for marketing in this case can be around 100K per month.

If you charge 10% of the marketing budget, you can get 10K per month in the next 15 months.

Try to guess what will be next if you provide real growth. Actually, it is your job.

The startup will raise the next round of 5M-10M in the investment round because you have provided them growth using paid ads.

And the most important thing: they will continue working with you.

Because if you were working well, why do they need to change workhorses?

They'll just say, ‘Ben, you know, you did a great job. Let's repeat the same in the next 15 months with a 10x budget’.

This is how it works.

So, you can work with this startup for a few years.

Okay, we figured out why selling to startups is fucking cool.

Now let's jump into details.


Let's discuss

How to find startups that have just raised money?

The first rule in B2B sales is to be at the right place at the right time.

The right time to reach out to startups is when they have just raised money because they have a ton of it, and you have two options:

either the piece of cake goes into your pocket or your competitor's.


So, the main question in this situation is ‘How to know when a startup raises money?’

You can figure it out using a tool named CrunchBase PRO. This is a ‘Startup Investments Wikipedia’.

All startups add investment rounds to their profiles on Crunchbase. They do it to generate hype and grab the attention of other venture capital funds that might be interested in investing in them in the next round.

You can also take advantage of this situation.

Customize a filter like ‘Send me alerts when companies in Industry X raise seed funding, for example’.

You’ll get a list of these companies.

Choose the company, click on the people tab, see the founders, select the CEO, and follow the LinkedIn profile link.

And Voilà! You have the perfect lead!


After that, you can reach out to the founder.

For example, if I were reaching out to myself, I would say:

‘Hey Anton, I see that you just raised a new round. Congratulations!

My agency has experience in promoting B2B SaaS platforms that are focused on marketing agencies.

If you are interested, let's jump into a discovery call, and I will show our last case study in the B2B SaaS industry.’


This is a good way to get new high-paying customers, however, there is one huge problem.

When startups raise money, it's like a red flag for bulls, and all good sales teams use this approach.

So, you start competing with other agencies that use the same technique. And these agencies often lose out to the ones that play the long game.

So, if you want a perfect result, you have to filter startups that raised money 10-15 months ago, which means that they are raising the next round right now, and you can start building relationships with them

At that moment, startups won’t buy your service because they only care about fundraising for the next round.

But when they have done it, you’ll be much closer than other agencies because you have already built a relationship with them.

You can use this method when making cold sales. Now, let's figure out another tactic that you can use with paid ads.

I won’t teach you how to use paid ads because I think you are already familiar with them.


The main question is

How to target startup owners right?

I had a lot of conversations with media buyers and asked the question,

‘How do you target startup owners?’

and In most cases, the answer was, ‘I use target interests on Facebook such as Startups’.


Anyways, this is actually a bad idea because it is a very broad audience.

Every small business owner thinks that they have a startup.

Furthermore, in most cases, marketing agency owners also think that their agency is a startup, which is actually not.

I hope I didn’t upset you, but the ugly truth is better than a beautiful lie.

If you want to target startup owners, you should use very specific target interests that can only be interested in tech startup founders.

The first interest that exists in Facebook's target options is ‘Y Combinator’.

Y Combinator, also known as YC, is the most famous startup accelerator in the world.

People who are interested in YC are 100% involved in the startup niche because if you are building a startup and you don’t know what YC is, you are doing something wrong.


The second interest is ‘Paul Graham’.

He is a founder of YC and the most influential person in the tech startup world.

The good thing is that common entrepreneurs don't engage with Paul's content, so you won’t spend your budget on them.

However, all startup founders have read Paul Graham's essays.

The third target option is ‘Dave McClure’ and ‘500 startups’. Dave is the founder of the ‘500 Startups’ accelerator, which is YC's main competitor.

These few target options allow you to cover 1 million people and 80% of startup founders all over the world.

Also, you can try to use different target audiences using startup slang.

I also did it in my marketing agency.


One of our major customers was a tech startup, and during our provision of marketing services for them, we found that they are struggling with API integration. That's why we launched Apiway.

By the way, many people have asked me to provide more details about it,
and that’s why I created a map with a step-by-step guide on how to open a marketing agency, how to scale it, what sales and management techniques you have to use, and finally, how to transform the agency into a tech startup to get subscription revenue.

So, if you are interested in scaling your marketing agency, you can download this map and watch the video where my team and I show you our step-by-step path that you can replicate much faster than we did.

Follow the link and start scaling your marketing agency - 5-Level Digital marketing career path


Okay, you already know the best way to reach our startup founders, but now let's discuss our fourth and final topic:

How to show your marketing expertise to a tech startup founder?

Well, the problem is that startup owners only listen to investors and other startup owners.

They don't listen to common marketers. These guys are real bastards. I know that because I'm one of them. :)

Tech startup owners that have raised $1m aren’t stupid.
Moreover, they are more experienced than you because they have a background.

What background do you have in your 20s?

It means if you come to them and just say ‘Hi, I can run Facebook ads or SEO for your startup, let's start work,'

it’s not going to work.

As a startup founder, I get this kind of offer every day.

So, to get a good result, you have to use the golden rule of sales:

‘Before selling something, you should get the key to the customer's ears’

Basically, you have to explain why they should listen to you as soon as possible.

When you already reach out to a lead, there are three things that you have to do:

First, show that you are a responsible person.

I need to see that you have a business email, website, LinkedIn, Instagram, and some content. I need to be confident that you are an adequate person. You need to have social proof.

Second, you have to show that you do stuff that I'm looking for. You need to show me that you understand my business, my marketing strategy, and my sales strategy.

I'll give you an example.

Every day on my Instagram, I get 2-3 offers from lead generation agencies. They try to sell me their LinkedIn outreach service.

On Apiway, our plans start from $9 per month.
It means that if we build a sales strategy via a sales team, our unit economy will never work.

Direct sales work in service-based businesses and only if you sell enterprise, not SMB software, that's why these guys will never sell me their lead generation service.

But now when I started my YouTube channel, it is actually possible to sell me a YouTube promotion service.


Finally, the third thing is that you need to understand the client's niche.

I'll tell you a quick story about how we hired an SEO agency for our startup.

I was looking for people in this field, asking other startup founders and CMOs about their experience in SEO.

They recommended me to an agency.

The founder of this agency made a 20-minute pitch talking about B2B SaaS case studies.

We had just raised money and invested in SEO.

That's all.

This guy showed me his expertise at the right time. Do you think he showed me some kind of magic on this pitch?

Of course not. He just was adequate.

There are other examples:

I had an offer from media buyers, and it was like ‘Hey, Anton! We run Facebook ads. Are you interested?’

Do you really think that people who are building a tech startup don't know how to launch Facebook ads?

Maybe they don't have deep knowledge, but they are familiar with how to run a simple campaign.


But if this person comes to me and says:

‘Hi, Anton, I see you created an interesting sales strategy for your startup.

You're not running ads directly to your product.

Instead of this, you created an online course ‘How to scale a digital marketing agency because your software customers are the marketing agencies’.

You're selling this course and reinvesting the money in paid ads again which can get more marketing agency owners' attention.

That's interesting, and I can help you with scaling Facebook ads’.

So It means that this person knows what I'm doing, and I don't need to waste my time explaining my strategy.

After these words, I quickly figured out that this person has a higher marketing mindset than other media buyers who send me offers like 'Hello Sir, I want to provide you high-quality backlinks for your website.

It is already a marketing meme among my friends. 😄

Let me give you another example.

You come to me and say:

‘Anton, I see that you perform in (my competitor's niche name), and they are doing this, this, and this, and you don't do this, this, and this.

We know how to do this, this, and this, and we can help you’.


So, let’s sum up.

If you reach out to a startup at the right time, show that you are an adequate person, show that you provide the service that the startup needs exactly at that time, and show that you have the expertise, you’ll increase your conversion by ten times.

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