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Product Page Tune-Up : 8 Most Important Ways to Increase Conversions

8 Important Product Page Optimization Tune-ups to Increase Conversions

Let’s discuss a few important product page optimization tune-ups that can increase conversions.

1. Sell Smart With Upsell and Cross-Sell 

A product page is aimed at informing the customers about the product or service under consideration. However, an eCommerce site can’t lose sight of the business potential that a customer represents while being on an eCommerce product page.

Using upsell and cross-sell techniques is choosing smart marketing initiatives over hard work or new customer acquisition. They help customers choose high-end and/or ancillary products and increase the transaction value per customer. These techniques are effective in increasing Average Order Value (AOV) and overall sales and revenue for an eCommerce business.

Sell Smart With Upsell and Cross-Sell 

But a lot depends on how thoughtfully and effectively you deploy upsell and cross-sell techniques on your product page. The bands representing upsell and cross-sell should be intelligent in product recommendations.

2. Make Social Proof Stand Out

The product page needs some kind of authentication to generate trust and confidence among the visitors. For example, if your company has won an award or certification, it should be displayed at the top or at an appropriate spot in the form of a badge, trophy, or medal. Without a lengthy description, these insignia instantly convey approval and validation.

Even if your company hasn’t won any such award or certification, you can create your own badge highlighting what’s unique and great about your products or services. For example, a medal with “High-Quality Product” or “6-Year Warranty” written over it can improve the value and outlook of a product page. It can result in better product page conversion.

3. Use Product Recommendation and Hyper-Personalization


The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning can bring marketing solutions at scale. Both product recommendation and hyper-personalization are examples of AI in marketing.

Product recommendation is populating related and relevant products to the buyer’s page, helping him make appropriate selections from a wider but related pool of products or services.

Hyper-personalization is sending automated marketing content based on a customer’s preference, activity, and history on your site. Here, each customer gets a different hyper-personalized marketing message based on where he stands along the buyer’s path.

Both product recommendation and hyper-personalization can optimize your product page, leading to higher conversions and revenue.

4. Give Priority to Testimonials and Reviews 

Reviews are important because they come from users who have purchased the product and used it. Many times, a review has some unique information about the product that even the product page doesn’t have. A majority of the online shoppers read reviews about a product before buying it. If the reviews are positive, it helps potential customers make a decision.

Give Priority to Testimonials and Reviews 

Source: Ecommerce-Nation

Your eCommerce product page should have some reviews and testimonials. To have honest reviews from your customers, you can encourage them by post-purchase emails to write and send reviews. You can incentivize it by offering a gift coupon and make it easy by providing an online form for this purpose.

5. Play On Customer Psychology

Your product page should create the right buzz about the demand for the product. As per the scarcity principle, good things are in scarce supply while the demand for them is high. This plays on the customer psychology that if they delay their decision to purchase the product or service in question, it may soon go out of stock.

So, a call to action that the customers should show no delay or indecision in placing the order for the product is the right way to end the sales pitch on your product page.

6. Livechat, Popups, Personalized Emails

The product page of an eCommerce site should be able to engage the visitors at each milestone along the buyer’s path. It can be achieved by activating livechat, popups, and triggers for personalized emails. Most of these features are available through the marketing automation software that you may already have subscribed to. You only need to deploy them strategically on your product page to optimize it.

Personalized Emails

Source: Chamaileon

7. Use Visuals, GIFs, Videos 

An eCommerce site lacks the advantage of touch-and-feel that a traditional retail business enjoys. However, with product photography improving a lot over the years and the digital space having no restraint on the capacity to host multiple images, this lacuna has been effectively dealt with.

To add to your armor, you have the option of 3D images, GIFs, and videos. Does your product page have enough of them? The videos or GIFs don’t need to be lengthy. They just need to be clean, smart, and to the point.

8. Inventory Update Innovations

Does your product page feature “sold out” products and offer no choices to the customer? It can be the wastage of an opportunity as you have a customer on your page, but you are not able to sell him a product. In place of “sold out”, can you have “New Arrivals”, “Recently Stocked”, or “Stock Fast Depleting”?

For the sold-out item, the product page can add information about the likely time it will take to replenish the stock with announcements such as Fresh Stocks Arriving in 7 Days. Customers who are impressed by a product can be interested in knowing how popular or scare they are. Real-time inventory updates can boost your product page optimization efforts. 


Product Page Tune-Up: Dos

  1. Have extraordinary UX
  2. Go for technical SEO
  3. Optimize loading speed
  4. Select right keywords
  5. Write effective meta description, CTA
  6. Have Users Review and FAQs

Product Page Tune-Up: Don’ts

  1. Avoid keyword stuffing; use them smartly, organically
  2. Never stop optimizing and tuning up product pages
  3. Don’t copy product descriptions from anywhere
  4. Don’t ignore negative feedback; work on them
  5. Don’t shy away from taking help from professionals


To increase product page conversion, proper thought and planning need to be given to this page. For example, using upsell and cross-sell opportunities to their full potentials can bring more leads and conversions. Even small adjustments and upgrades on the product page can drastically optimize the page and increase conversions. The 8 most important steps to tune up the product page given here should guide you in this endeavor.


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ActiveCampaign is a marketing and sales automation platform that helps growing businesses meaningfully connect and engage with their customers. Its SaaS platform enables businesses to create optimized customer experiences by automating many behind the scenes processes and communicating with their customers across channels with personalized messages.